Kleen Kote 100

Discover the Versatility of Kleen Kote 100


The KLEEN KOTE Advantage

Known for its versatility on the job site, KLEEN KOTE 100 is used for keeping mud from sticking to your equipment, as a concrete form release and tilt-up bond breaker, an asphalt release, equipment protection and more. When mixed, KLEEN KOTE 100 deposits a very thin film, creating a virtually non-stick surface that is non-toxic, non-staining, non-dusting, low V.O.C. AND acts as a corrosion inhibitor. Please check out our KLEEN KOTE Usage Suggestions page for a list of applications.


Industry Leader

For over 17 years, KLEEN KOTE 100 has been known as one of the original, eco-friendly water-based release products for the construction industry. KLEEN KOTE has proven to be an innovative as well as quality product for all facets of the construction process.
With its many applications — including asphalt, concrete, mining, hauling, and equipment protection — KLEEN KOTE has stood the test of time. In addition, KLEEN KOTE 100 is the ONLY fully adjustable release product on the market today, adjusting from 1 to 1 through 1 to 75, depending on your application. header_kleenkote

Available Sizes:

  • 32 oz.
  • 6-32 oz. case
  • 4-1 gallon case
  • 3.5 gallon
  • 4.5 gallon
  • 5 gallon
  • 55 gallon
  • 275 gallon tote

Environmentally Friendly

KLEEN KOTE 100 does not contain any silicones, solvents, or phosphates. In addition, it is non-toxic, water-soluble, low odor, certified biodegradable and V.O.C.

Easy to Use – KLEEN KOTE 100 + Water

Safe for use on all surface types. Just add the required amount of concentrate to water and then the product is ready to use.
No special equipment, clothing, tools, or mixing are needed.

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This is the one adjustable water-based product for use in multiple job site applications. The concentrated formula reduces waste and also shipping costs by 8 to 20 times that of conventional products. One gallon of concentrate mixed at 1 to 11 with water, makes 12 gallons of mixed ready-to-use product with an average coverage ratio of 2,000 SQ. Ft. per Gallon.

Durable Protectant

KLEEN KOTE 100 will not rinse off in rain, snow or ice*, saving time as well as money on the job site. Also, KLEEN KOTE acts as a rust inhibitor, protecting equipment while on the site, during use, in transit, seasonal layup, or storage.*KLEEN KOTE cannot be applied in the rain, snow or ice and must flash off before exposed to rain, snow or ice.


Usage Suggestions

These are the primary applications and suggested mix ratios for KLEEN KOTE 100 usage. The ratios can be varied up or down according to your results. For usage instructions visit our Product PDFs tab to download printable PDFs. If you have any questions regarding a particular application or mix ratio, please feel free to contact customer support at: (800) 801-7832 or [email protected].

Kleen Kote 100 Usage

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Agricultural Equipment

  • 8 to 1 – 10 to 1
  • Apply to keep mud and also other debris from sticking to all farm equipment.

Anti-Corrosion Protection

  • 8 to 1
  • Use to inhibit rust and to keep equipment looking new. There is no build-up with KLEEN KOTE. Re-spray equipment after every wash.

Asphalt Equipment, Pavers & Trucks

  • 8 to 1 – 11 to 1
  • Use KLEEN KOTE to keep asphalt from sticking to tools, equipment, and trucks. Be sure to clean off all of the diesel, soap or other release agents used previously prior to applying KLEEN KOTE and remember to apply the product every time. It can also be used in the water tanks of rollers at 50 to 1. This will reduce the amount of water needed to prevent sticking and will also leave a coating on the drum allowing the operator to get off the pavement if the water should run out

Boring and Tunneling Equipment

  • 8 to 1 – 11 to 1
  • Use KLEEN KOTE to prevent mud and clay from sticking to conveyor belts, skid steer loaders, cranes, etc. At the end of the day, the mud and clay will clean right off the protected equipment. For the conveyor belts, a constant mist will keep it stick free and put an end to the hours of clean up at the end of the day.

Concrete Equipment

  • 11 to 1
  • Spray all of your concrete finishing and placing equipment prior to every pour and clean up will be easy.

Concrete Paving Machines

  • Mix Ratio 8 to 1 thru 11 to 1
  • Spray KLEEN KOTE on once per job prior to placement, to protect the equipment from concrete sticking and also to help prevent rust. Vary the mix ratio to meet your needs. This product can also be used on your other concrete placing equipment.

Concrete Forms

  • 11 to 1 – 15 t o 1
  • KLEEN KOTE is safe for use on all form types including wood, aluminum, and plastic. Be sure to clean or cast off as much of the old release as possible to eliminate any reaction between KLEEN KOTE and the old form release. Do NOT switch back and forth between KLEEN KOTE and other release agents. If the forms are new, season them just as you would with oil. The mix ratios vary from 15 to 1 for non-porous surfaces thru 11 to 1 for porous surfaces.

Concrete Form Liners

  • 15 t o 1
  • KLEEN KOTE will provide a smooth, easy release to reproduce the liner design down to the finest detail. Call for vibration suggestions. The typical mix ratio is 15 to 1 but can be varied depending upon results.

Concrete Pumping and Belt Trucks

  • 11 to 1
  • Spray KLEEN KOTE on once per job and do not clean the hopper until the end of the job. Spray your entire truck. To polish the cab or the entire truck, see KLEEN KOTE Vehicle Instructions for more detailed instructions. Additional KLEEN KOTE Pumping, as well as Belt Truck Instructions, are available if needed.

Construction Equipment

  • 11 to 1
  • Apply to all equipment to keep mud as well as other debris from sticking to your equipment.

Hand Tools

  • 11 to 1
  • Spray on hand tools regularly to inhibit rust and also to keep them looking like new.

Liquid Mask

  • 11 to 1
  • Spray KLEEN KOTE on any surface that is near where fresh concrete will be poured. KLEEN KOTE 100 usage will not stain the surface and splatters can simply be brushed or power washed off.

Painting Equipment

  • 10 to 1
  • Spray on all equipment to keep paint splatters from sticking to equipment, lifts, and scaffolding. It will also help to keep the joints lubricated on your scissor lifts.

Precast Industry

  • Varies
  • Please call for specialized assistance due to the many variables in the precast industry. Our specialists will assist you in attaining the finish you are trying to achieve. Generally, the mix ratios vary from 11 to 1 thru 18 to 1.

Printing Industry

  • 8 to 1
  • Use as a release of water-based inks and glues in printing presses instead of grease.

Ready-Mix Trucks

  • 11 to 1
  • Spray the entire truck with KLEEN KOTE as needed or after every wash. KLEEN KOTE will only need to be applied to the chute as well as the hopper after every delivery. To polish the cab or the entire truck, see KLEEN KOTE 100 Usage Vehicle Instructions for more detailed instructions. Additionally, KLEEN KOTE Ready-Mix Truck Instructions are available if needed.

Rental Equipment

  • 11 to 1
  • Kleen Kote 100 usage inhibits rust on equipment that is stored outside. It will also keep most paints from sticking to scissor lifts, etc. It will also keep asphalt, concrete, and mud from sticking to your rental equipment.

Sawing and Planing Equipment

  • 11 t o 1 – 50 to 1
  • Use in the tanks of saws and planes to reduce the amount of water needed to lubricate and cool the blades. KLEEN KOTE will also help reduce clean up time by preventing slurry from sticking to machines.

Snow Removal and Hauling Equipment

  • 8 to 1
  • Use KLEEN KOTE to keep snow as well as ice from sticking to equipment. It can also be used as an environmentally safe way to keep snow from sticking inside dump truck boxes when hauling snow off-site. It also provides rust inhibiting qualities to protect from salt corrosion.

Tilt-Up Concrete

  • 11 to 1
  • Please call for specialized assistance due to the many variables regarding tilt-up concrete projects. Our specialists will assist you with proper mix ratios and also application techniques. A one-page instruction sheet is available.

Trucks, Buses, Trains, Etc…

  • 11 to 1
  • KLEEN KOTE will help brighten faded equipment with regular use. It will also help prevent stains around the fueling inlets and exhaust stains on the vehicle’s paint finish.

Vehicle Protectant and Polish

  • 15 to 1
  • To apply KLEEN KOTE for the first time you must first wash the vehicle. Then spray on one panel at a time and polish in while droplets are still white. HINT: Mist on the front of the vehicle and then let the product go clear without wiping to help prevent bugs from sticking. KLEEN KOTE will also safely help remove bugs from your paint finish.


To view the KLEEN KOTE 100 Product PDF Library documents below, please left-click on your choice. You can also download a copy to your computer by right-clicking your mouse on the selection of your choice and choosing “Save As.” Also, you can get a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view files.

KLEEN KOTE Instructions


If your company has a success story for KLEEN KOTE 100 Case Studies that you would like to share, please email us a description as well as pictures. We will assemble a case study for your approval and also share your story. Thank you.Click Here To Email Us Your Success Story



Austin Bridge and Road


Austin Bridge & Road would pour a 70,000 square foot sound wall with various detail and finish. Following this, what was created was an aesthetically pleasing finished project rising 24 feet as well as spanning nearly 3,000 feet along I-10.Click for Case Study PDF



Gomaco Corporation


Gomaco found that when customers spray their machines with KLEEN KOTE, they protect the machine from sticking and buildup of concrete allowing the customer to use the machine for longer durations between cleanings.Click for Case Study PDF



Juda Builders


The 82,000-pound octagonal mount was poured directly onto a non-troweled slab and also included EPS foam inserts of Schwing’s name on the side. Juda Builders sprayed KLEEN KOTE on the slab, forms, and foam prior to the pour.Click for Case Study PDF



Miller Formless Company


Miller Formless Co. wanted to find a way to extend the life of their machinery as well as create an added benefit for their customer. KLEEN KOTE did just that.Click for Case Study PDF



State of Maine DOT


Beginning in 1997 the State of Maine DOT used KLEEN KOTE on their marking and also stripping vehicles including the spray system to prevent the paint from sticking to the vehicle and equipment.Click for Case Study PDF



Museumrock Products


Museumrock Products designed and also constructed what may be the world’s largest form liner mold to create the Navajo Indian Memorial in Na Aina Kai Botanical Gardens.Click for Case Study PDF