KLEEN KOTE was first produced in 1995 as one of the original water-based release products for the construction industry. Now, KLEEN KOTE is a proven success for not just the agriculture industry, but all industries using heavy equipment.
As a multi-use agricultural product — from brightening paint to preventing corrosion to repelling mud and debris from sticking to equipment — farmers, dealers, and antique collectors have been able to save money and time.
When mixed, KLEEN KOTE 300 deposits a very thin film, creating a virtually non-stick surface. KLEEN KOTE penetrates into the cracks and pores of the surface and fills them in, reviving the old paint of antique farming equipment, preserving and protecting the new paint and equipment from buildup of fertilizers, debris, salt, dirt, mud and diesel exhaust.
KLEEN KOTE 300 eliminates the need for harsh soaps, detergents, wax or rubbing compounds. And, as an added benefit, KLEEN KOTE 300 also protects your equipment from corrosion caused by fertilizers, the environment, and storage.

Great For Many Uses
- Revive/Brighten Paint On Antique Equipment
- Preserve/Protect Paint On New Equipment
- Repel Fertilizers, Mud, Dirt, Debris, Salt & Diesel Exhaust
- Prevent Stickage On Hauling & Spreading Equipment
- Protect Equipment & Tools Against Corrosion
- Polish Equipment & Vehicles — Works Faster & Easier than Wax
Available Sizes:

This innovative micro-emulsion is your corrosion inhibiting solution because it penetrates the micro-pores of the treated surface to form a barrier on any surface coated. Also, it is a water-based, non-staining barrier coating that leaves only a thin, clear layer on the surface sprayed. This protects it from the potential threats of the environment, weather, debris and salt. Especially noteworthy, it is safe for use on all surfaces and will not harm wiring, electrical and/or mechanical controls; there is also no need to remove KLEEN KOTE upon arrival at its final destination, and it is environmentally safe!

Environmentally Friendly
Easy to Use

Efficient and Effective

Durable Protectant

- 1 to 8 through 1 to 11 (KLEEN KOTE to Water)
- Use KLEEN KOTE 300 on hauling equipment. mower decks, hoppers, manure spreaders and combines to keep mud, debris, agricultural products, snow, salt and ice from sticking. It is an environmentally safe alternative to traditional release agents, diesel or other fuels. It also provides rust-inhibiting qualities to help prevent corrosion.
- 1 to 11 (KLEEN KOTE to Water) – To both Brighten and Polish, including Antique Farming Equipment
- 1 to 15 (KLEEN KOTE to Water) – To polish, including both antique farming equipment and vehicles.
- KLEEN KOTE is an excellent choice to polish, brighten and revive your vehicles and/or equipment. In addition to protecting them from fertilizer, mud, salt, debris, agriculture products and diesel exhaust, KLEEN KOTE can be buffed to a shine or misted on the front or undercarriage and wheels of your vehicle and/or equipment to prevent bugs and other environmental debris from sticking.
- 1 to 8 (KLEEN KOTE to Water)
- Use KLEEN KOTE 300 to prevent corrosion. It is an environmentally safe, easy to use alternative to traditional methods of preventing corrosion. KLEEN KOTE’s rust inhibiting qualities will help prevent corrosion on any part of your equipment, vehicle or tool while in use, transit, seasonal lay-up or long term storage.
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Superior Coating Company
To brighten & restore old paint, and prevent future corrosion or damage to the antique tractor pictured.

Successful Farming
Feature article relating to the Superior Coating case study.

Ageless Iron
Feature article relating to the Superior Coating case study.
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